Who We Are.

About Somali Advocacy Against Hunger (SAAH)
Where we take great pride in our relentless commitment to addressing hunger and building resilience in Somalia.
Operating in the challenging context of South Central Somalia, our organization is steadfast in advocating for the well-being and rights of vulnerable communities. By forging strong partnerships with renowned agencies such as the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), we work diligently to create sustainable solutions to pressing issues including striking food insecurity, recurrent droughts, displacement trends, protection related and other ill-contributing factors.

How To Help.

Ways you can help

Protection Programming

In the context of Somalia, SAAH's dedicated focus on protection programming has proven instrumental in ensuring the safety and well-being of displaced persons and vulnerable communities.

Peace & Conflict Resolution

In a region marred by decades of conflict and instability, SAAH's emphasis on peace and conflict resolution is paramount to fostering sustainable development.

Food Security & Livelihoods

In a country where food insecurity remains a pressing concern, SAAH's expertise in implementing integrated livelihood and agricultural projects is indispensable to the people.

Food security and Livelihoods
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Become A Partner

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Where We Work.

We're currently working in



Completed Projects


Countries Served


People Benefited


Our Mission

Our mission is to protect and save lives and human rights through sustainable programmes and work towards eliminating extreme poverty in Somalia

Our Vision

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Join us in our journey of compassion and transformation. Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow for Somalia, where hope, opportunity, and dignity flourish.

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News & Updates


Tuesday Tips: Being Realistic With Your Goals

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CategoriesFood & Health

20th Anniversary of Growing Up Asian in America

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2017 Growing Up Asian in America: Letter to the Senator

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